RE:splendor Studio

"The heart of a song, a world of emotions."
Music & story production team.


05.01.2024 We've added the "News" section for significant updates on our talents and projects.04.25.2024 Xiel Exalt and Yuugen Vinny have released "Atlantis Boy / Aurora" on streaming.04.19.2024 ZETHIEL ZERO for DiffSinger has released with the cover demo song "Buffer."04.11.2024 Alcheglow has released the cover song "Tera Tera."

About Us

"Resplendent" and "splendor" create "RE:splendor." The studio is born of a desire to make known the voices of those who are unheard. We've been creating music and stories since 2021, with our first project Chrysathelia Chronos. We hope our stories and art bring a new perspective to your life.On top of creating music, RE:splendor is currently developing more expressions and modes of story.If you would like to contribute to the RE:splendor team in any way, please contact our director.

Music Artists

xiel exalt - 白瑠
Music Producer, Composer
A fantasy music producer, with influence from orchestral, electronic, and rock. Textured compositions, strong melodies, and ethereal lyrics create the worldview of Xiel Exalt. He is also the director and founder of RE:splendor Studio.Channel

Yuugen Vinny
Musician, Music Producer, Vocalist
Emo mad scientist. LA-based musician with rock influence and fluid genre styles.Yuugen (幽玄) - “a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering”.Channel

Alchemist ZETHIEL
VSinger, UTAU, DiffSinger
An alchemist whose voice is transformed across different mediums. Forging his own song, he bears a flowing and light voice that enchants the soul. (Voiced by Xiel)Channel

VSinger, Utaite
A rose witch who sings with the power of the virtual world's future. She has a sweet, bright, and passionate voice taken from a dark past. (Voiced by Xiel)Channel

Alcheglow Collective
Chorus Group
A rotating collaborative chorus group under Alchemized Voice/RE:splendor, featuring real and synthesized vocalists.Playlist

Our Story Projects

Song Series: Chrysathelia Chronos

A collection of stories detailing the expansive lore of the planet of Chrysathelia, told in a song and video format. Follow the legends of gods, dragons, and heroes.This version of Chrysathelia Chronos has currently ended, and is set for a reboot in the future.